Stopped by the local feed store on my way home from work on Friday to pick up some pig food. That, in and of itself, speaks volumes. I went in the store to find the owner and her son bathing what I thought was a small rodent. Turns out it was this:

Tippy, as she has come to be known (due to her orange-tipped ears and tail), was apparantly abandoned by someone or something on the side of the road and some locals found her. They brought her to the feed store because, well, that's what people do around here. Jean, the owner of the feed store was all in a tizzy over this clearly malnourished, sickly kitten and what her husband would say to yet another stray critter being brought home versus taking her to the animal shelter.
Enter Gilb Gal, recently recovered from the untimely death of her previously rescued, slightly retarded cat. Believing in fate and the desire to have a little creature to save, I took her home. Then it was off to the vet because her eyes were so mucky and swollen and she was sneezing like crazy. And lord knows what parasites she would bring into the house. Two hours, some Thai take-out, and a $120 payable to the animal clinic later, I was home with my sickly new addition. Vet said she'll recover but may be a runt. Cute. She's already looking better and my need to nurture has been fulfilled for the year. Here's another picture just because everyone loves little cute things:

Verizon cuts EV-DO from $80 to $60
Yep, as expected Verizon Wireless dropped the price of their high-speed EV-DO BroadbandAccess Package from $79.99 to $59.99 when you sign up for a new two-year service agreement.
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At first I felt special about having so many comments but then I realized me and my new, innocent kitty were spammed via the blog. Because of this, the comment procedure has changed a bit. Hopefully that will weed out the spammers. In the meantime, feel free to spam them back and tell them what you think.
You are lucky no one from Paws has seen your pics. The one with the kitty in a pyrex dish with wine and spices around looks like you are about to bake her.
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