Let me just say that Alaska is overwhelmingly beautiful. If you like nature or the outdoors, you must add it to your list of things to do before you die. If you don't have a list, make one with it on it just so you can cross it off someday. I know my list got shorter last week.
So when I last blogged I had just gotten off a day cruise up the Tracy Arm and seen some cool icebergs and scenery. I also saw a few humpbacks on that trip, here's one that came pretty close to our boat:

I got some nice tail shots too but had to use one of those old-fashioned film cameras for that. Digital cameras suck for whale tail shots because of the delay. If I ever take the film in for developing and bother to scan a picture, I'll post it. Don't hold your breath...
The day before the cruise I was on my own in town and decided to hike up Mount Roberts. Most people pay $30 and take a tram up. Not me. I prefer to hike 2,000 feet, have a beer at the top, and take the tram down for free, which is exactly what I did. Here's a shot of the beautiful trail to the top that no one but me seemed to use:

And this is a view from Alpine Loop Trail once you get to the tram station:

And because I was homesick for my own gay goats, this if the mountain goat I had a beer with at the bar at the top of the mountain:

I'm sure the other folks at the bar wondered why I took this picture but were afraid to ask, especially since everyone at the top was a bloated tourist from a cruise ship who couldn't believe I'd hiked to the top rather than paid $30 for a tram ride. I just wondered why someone would want to eat dinner under a goat head. Or stuff a goat head and put in on a wall. It's not like goats are extremely clever and/or evasive animals. So if you're a hunter and you kill a goat I don't think it rates as much as, say, a grizzly bear or moose. You wouldn't want to be the hunter with the goat head on his wall, would you? Still, I couldn't help but take the picture to bring home to my goats. Maybe this one will be their pin up?
This post has digressed. Any post that relates to gay goat pin-ups has hit a low. So I'm going to break off and post separately regarding the glacier experience...
Trust me, no one had a crush on me in high school, I was a scrawny, tomboyish geek. It's a nice thought, though...
YOU SHOULD NOT SAY THAT ABOUT YOURSELF AND ITS TRUE I DID. sorry i cant tell you who this is certain people might find out and then my throat would be slit like the climbing gear look
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