The drive there took about 25 hours, non-stop. We tried to detour through Roswell, New Mexico, thinking it'd be a fun place to stop and take a picture or two in front of a flying saucer or something. Guess what? Roswell, the mecca for intergalactic activity, didn't have anything noticable from the main road that would indicate alien presence. It was gravely disappointing.
Got to the exotic animal ranch in Texas on Thursday for our pick up. My mom wanted the baby camel and a baby zebra. The ranch had four baby zebras. Turns out you can buy a baby zebra in Texas for about $5000 each. Sounds like a lot. Unless you're from California, where they sell for $10,000 each. Entrepreneur that I am, I bought the three remaining baby zebra to bring back to California and double my money by the end of the year. So now I'm a zebra trader/truffle farmer/lawyer. Why Survivor hasn't picked me yet is beyond me.
So we stuffed the camel and four baby zebra into the back of the cargo van (sounds crowded, but there was actually room to spare) and we were off. This is what the back of the van looked like:

At 3:00 am, right after our heads had hit the pillows, the motel phone rang. I picked up and heard a timid voice on the other end say, "Sorry to bother you ma'am, but are those your zebra in the parking lot?"
Turns out one of the zebra was a bit skittish and decided escape was in order. First she tried to get out the front window with a head butt:

Of course, we couldn't go back in the hotel room and leave the critters in the van with an escape route so we covered the broken window and hit the road again. It was a long drive home, especially when the animals started getting carsick in Arizona. Carsick in the form of the runs and bad gas. Trust me, no amount of cedar chips in the world can cover the smell of zebra diarrhea.
We eventually made it home, and the crazed zebra has shown no signs of distress but I think that'll be the first one we sell...
Man, I gotta get up to your mom's ranch.
Is she rounding out the "living nativity scene" or something?
The pictures match the story. The zebras looked all freaked out and the camel looks like its having a great time.
Buzz - Yep, they've been doing live nativity scenes and Morrocan themed parties for years. It's big money.
Plays - The zebras always look freaked out with their bug eyes. Thankfully, they are all now happy in their new home and back to solid waste. Oh, and that camel is the best-natured camel I've ever encountered.
This is hard to beat. It will surely find a place in somebody's road movie.
Look, if you are trying to purchase a bunch of exotic animals to try and shake the oh so stereotypical "Crazy Cat Lady" image, it's not going to work.
Ironically enough, just last week, we named a guy at the Hash who left his wife because she couldn't stop taking in homeless cats. He finally walked when she was up to like 12 or thirteen of the damn things.
His name? Pussy Intolerant.
UH, thanks on the toe comment...I think.
Pussy intolerant. Good stuff.
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