Headed up to the 69th run of the San Luis Obispo Hash House Harriers on Saturday to see some old friends and just have some fun.
Made arrangements to room with MM and RMA on Saturday night as I was certain I would be in no condition to drive home after an S&M themed run. Dug through my closet and found my favorite old pleather dress, handcuffs, fishnets, and combat boots, and was off to SLO.
Now, I'm not saying life in Tehachapi is boring, but I will say it's been a while since I've gone to visit friends and found them in the cheapest hotel room in town dressed like this:

So I changed and we arrived at the run start and for some mingling and a few beers. Here I am with other similarly clad and leashed friends:

I pretty much stuck with the group all night, mostly with MM. We had lost track of RMA but that's nothing new or even unwanted so we just went about our business of partying with the group. At about 11:00 pm we returned to our hotel to find RMA had brought a guest home with him.
Let me just preface this next part by saying that one of the conditions I had to rooming with MM and RMA was that they not bring any women back to the room for extracurricular activities. Each of them has been known to locate a less-than-desirable woman for such activities at these events. And that's not to say that these women are anything but lovely, sophisticated ladies who exercise poor decision-making skills in the company of drunken hashers but let's face it, when your arse ends up in a picture with two men wrestling in a cheap hotel room where no one knows your name, something has gone wrong.

Here's another disturbing image of RMA with his own jockstrap on his head:

Oh dear lord, that is so disturbing for SO many reasons!
All I know is that I when I come to visit I don't want to see anything like that...
The Kincaid print on the wall just really makes the place look classy, in the midst of all that fracas...
Good stuff
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