Now, with thoughts of car seats, small person bodily functions, and graham cracker crumbs crushed on leather seats, I've accepted that it's time for Midge to make someone else cool for a while. Besides, I can get a god chunk of change out of her (still less than 92,000 original miles) and know she'll be cared for while I tool around town in my cousin's old Honda Civic.
Yep, that's the replacement, family-friendly car I'm getting. It's practical (4 doors - I've never had one of those!), will run forever, gets good mileage, and, best of all, won't have a car payment. Q and I will reassess the vehicle issue in a few years once we figure out how this whole parenting thing works. And we made a deal that we each get a car, any car that we want, no questions or comments allowed by the other party, in 18 years when the Lentil Bean leaves for college or runs away or does whatever unimaginable teenage thing he or she will inevitably do as payback for my own misspent youth.
Boo hoo, you'll someday regret selling Midge. She's a keeper.
Lots of memories in that car I tell ya.......
Oh wait. The only thing I remember about that car is smoking it in a drag race while driving my beat up 90 Acura Integra.
I'm waiting for the post where you tell everyone that you have purchased your first moo-moo. (I don't even know how to spell that it's so scary)
You sure you don't want to just store her somewhere? Seems a shame to have to give her up.
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