The service also has automatic, short introductory statements you can send to people you might be interested in. Examples include the original "Hi!", "I like your profile. Tell me more." and my favorite, "Kid tested and single-mother approved." I think that one is specific to Bakerfield...
Anyhow, my profile clearly states that if you don't take the time to write me an actual note, in lieu of a standard, computer-generated hello, I won't respond. This is because some guys basically SPAM women with "Hi!"s hoping to get a response. You also don't have to be a paying member to send a computer-generated message. Besides, I took the time to write a profile so you should at least drop me a note showing you read it. Yes, I do have high expectations.
So the other day I got a computer-generated "I like your profile. Tell me more." from this guy:

Three days later he sent me this note:
Hi [Glib Gal], saw your profile and yes I am interested. Me? I have a son who will be 15, 6 cats, 9 kittens, 1 dog and 1 guinea pig. I am sure you can use a couple of cats? I enjoy the outdoors and have lived here for 13 years. I have been to Tehachapi many times, nice area. I should have bought land there years ago. I have several degrees and taking a break from being a CEO for a while. I guess iI am more comfortable in jeans than three piece suits. Drop me a line if you would like. Favorite hangout is RJ's in Bakersfield.I know what you're thinking, "But he loves cats too Glib Gal..." Let me tell you: Crazy cat lady + Crazy cat dude = recipe for disaster. And three piece suits? Do they still make those? I guess you can find them at a Men's Warehouse in Bakersfield...
Even with that common ground, and the nice stock photo, he's 51 years old and I have a stated age range in my profile where the limit is far below 51. So, because he took the time to tell me about his 15 cats, multiple degrees and CEO status, I took the time to send him this computer-generated courtesy reply:
"Sorry, but our age difference is too great."I've sent this one to several other people closer to my mom's age than my own with no further communication.
Not so with our cat-loving friend. Here's the message I had waiting for me today:
Hi, disagree, what you will find is men here do not grow up and are not faithful until they get over 40. I will give you my cell, which i normally do not do, xxx-xxx-xxxx. I am honest with integrity, which you will not find in this area. Call me if you want.I don't know about you, but I like it when someone disagrees with me about something quite obviously my personal preference. I also like it when someone I've never met takes the time to tell me they disagree with me about what I like. I especially like it when they disagree with me, put down a large class of persons, infer that they are grown up, then give me their phone number so I can call and have them change my mind.
I know, I know...I'm too picky and I'm not getting any younger. And no, MB, I did not call him, even though I could use a few cats - I'm down to three. Damned coyotes.
Give me his phone number.....C'mon!! GIVE IT TO ME!!
I'll call up with a nice husky feminine voice and talk about if he is open minded to me using strap-on's on him.
By the way, until you bring your age restriction thing above 17 you might have a problem or two finding someone to date. From a legal standpoint.
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