My charges for the week arrived a day early. Yep, my parents, who so far as I know have never left town for more than three days at a time together, are going on vacation. Good for them. Since I now live a convenient 18 miles away from the ranch it means I'll be ranchsitting and, perhaps more exciting, babysitting all the kids still on bottles. So now I get to look out my living room window and see this:

This guy is out the kitchen window:

Max (the camel) is comfortably sharing a fenceline with Hogitha since she's been reduced to lockdown unless I'm in the yard. In a gesture of tolerance we should all embrace, she appears to have no problem having a middle eastern dromedary next door:

Should be an interesting week, especially when it's time for their daily leash training that entails walking around the neighborhood. Maybe I'll lose that "pig lady" nickname sometime soon...
You might become "The Leash Lady." Your desperate readers may fixate on the name. Tolerance is one thing, but watch out if the camel tries to organize the zebras.
I am going to have to agree with TRA about the organization of the animals under a Middle Eastern (no offense), there could be a coup, or worse.
Leash Lady is not that bad, and I will bet that seeing you walk Zebras and Camels would deter possible thiefs far more than a Rotweiler, they will think you are just crazy. Not that there is anything wrong with that....
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