So some friends had been threatening to visit the safari for a while and we decided that the weekend during which I was babysitting would be best. At first it was just BH and AG, along with Bailey the dog, that were to visit. This somehow turned into MM, RMA, BS, and two strangers, J and K, also coming by for a campout in my living room on a Saturday afternoon.
The thing with having so much help with the bottle feeding was that I had my hands free and was able to have a beer or two while my friends played with the kids. Here's RMA with Max, the camel:

After the kebab debacle we started a campfire and were just settling in when someone had the brilliant idea of driving into town to partake in the local social scene. I assessed my group, donned my "I Heart Rick Springfield" shirt, seen below, and took them to Tehachapi's most illustrious drinking establishment, The Red Caboose, for some small town tweaker karaoke.

Upon arrival MM honed in on a lovely lady at the bar with a zebra tattoo. He approached her with the ever-popular pick-up line, "Nice tattoo, I just fed a baby zebra today." He may have asked if she wanted to smell him too, I'm not sure. Anyhow, the line didn't work on this discerning Tehachapi native and he was summarily dismissed.
I don't remember much from the bar but vaguely recall singing karaoke, our group having stolen the dance floor and karaoke playlist, and dancing with a local with a large moustache and striped leotard shirt. I believe I asked if he was one of the Village People. We closed down the bar and headed back up the hill.
For some strange reason RMA and I were wired and got the brilliant idea to drive up to the mountain estate at 3:00 in the morning. He grabbed a bucket of sangria and we hopped in my truck and drove up the dirt road to the trailer. It was cold up there so we returned rather quickly and on our way down the hill RMA asked to drive. Note to self: Do not allow drunk friends to drive unfamiliar, winding dirt roads in truck at 3:30 am. RMA promptly had us in a couple of 360 degree spin outs and one grand spin out that led to our ending up taking out a couple of fenceposts and some barbed wire. During the spinouts all of the possessions in the back of my truck, including a 40 lb bag of dog food and AG's napsack, were ejected from the vehicle. By some miracle, the sangria bucket remained in the vehicle:

Oh, and since MB couldn't make it up for the safari, I snapped this shot I knew he'd appreciate seeing as how it has both Monolith and animal arse in it:

1 comment:
Ahh shucks.
Always thinking of me.
You looooove me, You waaaana have my baaabies.....
That looked like fun. I need a vacation......again.
Keep Baja in mind for Mid March if you are interested. 10-12 days.
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