It just so happens that my cousin, A, was visiting last night and we decided the Tuesday after Christmas would be a fine time to visit Tehachapi's finest saloon: The Red Caboose. You may remember the Cabooty, as it is affectionately known, from a previous blog involving mojitos, a camel and bad sangria. Whenever A and I get together something that will eventually prevent me from becoming a judge is bound to happen.
A and I went to dinner then met up with my friend D and we all played pool and drank beer until they kicked us out of the Cobooty a little after midnight. As we were driving home, A spotted that big, plastic horse and felt a sudden urge to mount it. This is a common family trait and thankfully I had the foresight to suggest we drive home and get the camera before attempting such a feat. Of course, first I drunk dialed Q because I knew he had nothing better to do at 1 am than listen to two inebriated women plot the mounting of a plastic statue in the rain. We actually drove home (2.5 miles), got the camera, and drove back to the work of art. In the rain. After midnight.
So we got back to the intersection, parked and ran across the street. A flood light was on and pointing at the horse but we went through the fence anyhow, later noting we were lucky it wasn't electric, and came upon the great synthetic beast.
Problem was that it was gargantuan. A attempted to climb up on it a few times but couldn't reach that high and the horse was slippery because it was wet. Here's A looking diabolical in her Red Caboose t-shirt and plotting how to get on the horse:

Of course, quitting is not an option for us so we persisted and, after she basically climbed me to get onto the horse, success was achieved:

1 comment:
Why does that sound like so much fun to me!?
Sorry we missed each other last week. I drove through the Domingo's parking lot looking for your truck (with a roll of toilet paper) but could not find it. The kids we pretty excited to TP your truck.
We wound up going to the feline compound place in Rosamond which was a pretty damn good second.
Have a great New Year Glibby.
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