Really, you should feel special because I did it for the good of the blog. You know what my last date with an engineer was like. And no one could forget the original Catholic engineer. This time, though, I think I've outdone myself and that this guy was the final nail in the coffin for all engineers.
On to our story...The date was actually a double blind date with CW (the engineer), his co-worker M who I was originally to be set up with, and V, a woman from my writer's group. We were all to meet up last Tuesday night for sushi.
So after our writer's meeting, V and I headed over to the sushi bar. It was a bit awkward and, yep, you guessed it, CW, being an engineer, is not much of a conversationalist. I got the distinct feeling he had not been out in the company of a woman in a while. He spent a while discussing his job, then his recumbant bicycle, then his job, then just smiling kind of strangely across the table. There were some awkward silences (I know, it's hard to imagine that around me...), and in the end we all parted ways amicably with a standard "we'll talk again".
Flash forward a couple of days to when I opened my MySpace page to find the following e-mail from CW:
I thought you'd be interested to see what an oak sapling looks like after it has been grazed. I put a picture in my myspace profile of an oak sapling in my yard that has been severely grazed/ravaged. This happened to my tree twice in the last 2 years, both times late in the summer. It was pretty upsetting for me and I didn't buy this tree or expect to get any income from it. Both times I was surprised how severly the tree was damaged. Several branches were shortened by 2 or 3 feet and the remaining branches were also chewed on. I think my tree was set back by at least a year. I plan to enclose my tree in chicken wire before next spring. I hope this doesn't happen to your trees!Here's the picture of his sapling he put on his page just for me:

Note to gentlemen: If you find a girl's MySpace page and decide to lurk there until you find someone who knows her, then you are fortunate enough to get a date with her wherein she tolerates your social dysfunction, do not, under any circumstances, send her an e-mail with a picture of your dead tree.
But wait, it gets better. After our double blind date I sent a message to M letting him know I thought we had more in common and that I had no interest in CW. This led to M and I talking on the phone and eventually hanging out. M and CW's Christmas party was this past weekend and last night M showed me this video taken of none other than CW dancing the Macarena at the party. Being the evil person that I am, I decided it was so special and such a good sample of the over-40 single engineer in action that I just had to share it with you:
Apparantly CW, in addition to being a sapling connoisseur, is an accomplished former ballerina. Seriously, he used to be a ballet dancer. Note the pirouet at the beginning - a nice touch by a man dancing alone at a holiday party. No, he was not drunk. I'll give him credit for having fun and cutting loose, though.
Yes, it is hard to believe this one hasn't been caught yet.
That frightened me.
i can't make it past the pirouette.
That's amazing! He's got more moves than ex-lax!
See, I told you it would be good blog fodder!
And hey, at least the guy can dance....kinda. Looks like some hashers I know dancing (MB).
At least I'm drunk when I do it. I can fall back on that weak excuse!!
Good Times Glibby!!! I might see you week after next with the chitlens. I'll call and let you know.
OHMYG please tell me you're married to the myspace guy. Yes, I'm catching up. Sentimental ol'me.
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