The baby shower was great. We scored lots of great loot for Lentil Bean - from clothes to books to a playpen to toys. Awesome and thanks to all who attended. Those who attended also scored in the form of numerous of pomegranate martinis, high end margaritas and beers. They say you should get your child accustomed to the sounds it will hear in its first months out of the womb and it's safe to say Lentil will definitely be used to the sounds of drunken revelry. It should prepare Lentil for a future that involves uncles who feel comfortable cross-dressing. Yes, this man was at the shower and provided a lovely outfit (gender neutral) and some baby toiletries for young Lentil:

Of course, with my cankles and gigantic feet I had to get some new shoes the day before the run. For those of you that don't know what happens when you wear new shoes to a hash event, it means you are ostracized and then forced to drink beer out of those new shoes. Seeing as how I couldn't drink beer and SC felt compelled to tell on me for wearing new shoes (thinking Q would have to drink for me but forgot shoes come in pairs), she and Q earned the privilege of each drinking from one of my shoes. Thanks guys!

And yes, I'll post more pictures now that the real fun has begun in the form of weekly expansion. Other than being somewhat uncomfortable and bulky, I feel fine and Lentil is destined to be a cage fighter based on how often I am kicked and punched.