I know, I know...It's been a while. What can I say? I've been busy getting to know my husband (who just returned from 9 weeks in Europe) and growing a baby. It's a difficult transition for a confirmed bachelorette. Think about it, not only am I married, I'm getting fat and I can't drink!!! That's like a triple dose of life. Note to readers: Only try this at home if you have a sense of humor and are willing to waddle on cankles for months.
We had our ultrasound last week. Technology is crazy. They now have 4 dimensional imaging that allows you to see everything - even the four chambers of the heart (which Lentil has despite certain transgressions by her mother in Berlin). Everything is fine and Lentil is either bigger than usual for six months or I'm a week ahead of the game. I'm hoping for the latter because I'm scared to death of popping out a baby.
Anyhow, here's a typical ultrasound shot of Lentil in profile:

My mom thinks he/she looks like Bob Hope with that big forehead (from my side of the family) and ski slope nose (from ??? side of the family).
And here's the money shot. We were looking at Lentil's little face (at 1.5 pounds total it couldn't be that big - that's how amazing the technology is) and her/his mouth was a straight line, then, like she knew we were watching, she smirked:

See the upturned corners of the mouth? I must say she's pretty cute and now I can't get that little face out of my head. I say she because I hope for a girl. Face it, they just have cuter stuff. But just so you all know - we are one of the 7% of couples who decided not to find out what the baby is (the ultrasound tech was astonished we looked away and didn't crack). We figure this whole thing has been a surprise so why not let Lentil shock us one more of what will no doubt be many times. Besides, this way Q gets to rush out of the delivery room and proudly announce, "It's a .....!!!"
That's the coolest darn thing. I'm really stoked for you two.
I love the smirk!!
My brother and his wife haven't known for any of their kids either. There are so few surprises left in life. I like that this one is.
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