My weekend started off with some bad news. First, I found out the people buying my house are backing out because they can't sell their house. Of course, now that the market has softened a bit and, just this morning I heard the Fed is raising interest rates again, that means I'll probably have a tougher time finding another buyer. And I decided I will have to go through with buying the other house either way because it's a great deal and I love the house. Still, the prospect of having two mortgage payments come springtime is not that appealing to me. So much for finally catching a break.
So Saturday morning, after speaking with my realtor I was in a bit of a bad mood. Naturally, when you're in a bad mood something has to happen to make it worse. For me that involved getting in the shower, turning the hot water handle and having it break off in my hand. This caused water to spurt directly out from where the handle was, leaving me standing in the shower being scalded with hot water while holding the handle. I think I actually yelled out a general curse to the world before I ran outside to shut off the water main. So now I was stuck with an unsold house that was falling apart. Miraculously, it only took one trip to the hardware store and $4.79 to fix the problem.
Just after the handle broke this guy:

MB arrived around 3:00 and we headed out for a pizza and some beer and an early start on what we planned would be a long and wild evening. We then headed over to Oak View's finest (and only) watering hole, The Hill Top, only to find they were out of Jagermeister. We each had a beer and a shot of Ouzo then decided to go to the liquor store next door to buy a bottle of Jagermeister. The plan was to keep the Jager in the truck and go outside to do shots in between games of pool. Yes, we are both in our 30's. My memory of the events of the evening goes fuzzy sometime between my second shot of Jager and sticking my tongue down the shocked MB's throat right as the bar owner who has a crush on me, T, walked in. I've always heard there are at least 8 kinds of crazy. For me, Ouzo seems to bring out a 9th kind - the super-fun-completely-wild drunk kind.
Alas, my kind of crazy only lasts a couple of hours and then it's time to crash and burn. I did so in a manner I haven't experienced since my 20's - the ever-popular trash-bucket-next-to-the-bed-I'm-never-going-to-drink-again-if-you-make-it-stop-right-now manner. MB was even kind enough to tease me in the morning and snap a photo of me dry heaving into the kitchen sink at the mention of breakfast. This led to me spending Sunday in bed recovering and reaffirming the truth that I am not the rock star I never was.
On a brighter note, after I heard about my house falling out of escrow I called that cowboy realtor that I have a crush on and we're going horseback riding sometime in the near future.
Jagermeister - helping friends get drunk and hook up since (whenever Jaeger was created).
For the record, I held your hair the night before as you emptied pizza and such into a trash can.
I think I earned a photo the next morning.
Waaaaaaay!!! He called you Pam!!!
The Real Anonymous says,
A gentleman does not photograph ladies while they vomit.
Hook up? Gentleman? Lady? Which post did you folks read?
Ouzo-induced make-out sessions in seedy bars followed by wretching into a trash hardly qualifies any of the above-referenced terms. Though the lady sentiment is greatly appreciated. I always liked the Real Anonymous best.
Ah, now we get into the game of semantics. Hook up for me always meant making out - whether ouzo-induced or not.
And for the record, she wasn't vomiting when he took the photo. She was dry heaving. :-)
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