S and M seem to think they know me fairly well and had plenty of advice and hypotheses. While they are both happy to see me interested in someone other than JP, they seem to think the Cowboy is just a passing fancy, especially considering the Cowboy has a daughter that lives with him, is looking for someone solid and traditional, and well, I'm me and we know how traditional and solid I am.
S and M began speculating how long the relationship would last. S thinks it will self-destruct by the week after Valentine's. MM thinks I can hang in there until late March, after the Betty Ford Rehab Run in Palm Springs where he is convinced I will surely fall prey to the magnetism of JP. Their faith in me was so reassuring I figured I'd create a pool of sorts to see how long those of you who know me so well give the Cowboy. Here's the spreadsheet with remaining available dates:

So here are the rules of the pool: Cost is one pint of beer per square (S and M - you each get another square if you'd like). If you win I'll buy you as many pints of beer as squares you reserved. If I make it past April everyone involved owes me as many pints of beer as squares they individually reserved (Yep, it's a bit one-sided but it is my love life we're talking about here). Let's set the maximum at two squares per non-believer for now. Oh, and it's in week-long increments because I'm too lazy to keep track by day. Besides, that would be a bit anal retentive, don't you think?
Oh, and it only goes through the end of April because I am supposed to move in April and we know if I make it past 90 days with someone we're usually looking at the standard two year stint. Besides, true rebounds never last too long. It doesn't start until after New Year's because we have a tentative New Year's Eve date and I am not planning on consuming Ouzo between now and then.
Comment or e-mail me to lock in your square today! I'll update it as regularly as I remember.
No body wins...no one....sorry. But now the rest of us can get a chance, maybe?
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