After Sarah passed away I wanted to do something in her honor so I got together with her incredibly gracious family and we started the Sarah Moody Memorial Scholarship. It's a unique scholarship that goes to the person with the lowest GPA entering their final year of law school at the Ventura College of Law (our alma mater). This is because Sarah faithfully brought up the rear in our class and would've seen the humor in rewarding the person who, in reality, probably struggled the most to make it to that last exam day. And, of course, it bucks the system which is always a good thing and something Sarah and I both revel in doing.
So every year on this date I ask people to donate to the scholarship fund. Since you folks read my gibberish free of charge all year long, it wouldn't kill you to contribute and it would mean a lot to me. Since I'm the fund coordinator I see who donates and I know those of you who said you'll donate and haven't. How's that for a guilt trip?
Don't worry, it's completely legitimate and you will get an official tax write-off for donating any amount above $25. This is the website for the VCCF. To donate, mail a check, payable to the "Sarah Moody Scholarship Fund" or "VCCF" (be sure to note that it's for the Sarah Moody Fund) to the address below:
Sarah Moody Memorial Scholarship
Ventura County Community Foundation
1317 Del Norte Road, Suite 150
Camarillo, CA 93010
If you think the scholarship's a bad idea, or just think anyone who can afford law school doesn't need extra cash, donate some money to your local Humane Society or the SPCA in Sarah's name because she was an animal lover and, sadly, good old Watson lost his battle with cancer this past year.
If you're a stingy bastard and don't want to donate anything at all, go to your local pub today and order a shot of Jagermeister (her favortie) and make a silent toast to Sarah, good friends, and never forgetting the people who change your life.
I met Sarah in 1998 and she became my best friend and best cheerleader. She told me it was because of me that she wanted to go to law school. I was in jail when I found out that Sarah had passed away. I still don't know how Sarah died. But one thing I do know, is that Sarah was truly a special person and a angel sent to me. I was not as good a friend to Sarah as she was to me...drugs and alcohol. We did, however, share the same passion for animals and for that reason I will make a donation to my local animal shelter in her name. Sarah would be so happy to know you have done this website in her honor. Thank you.
Hi Anonymous. Thank you for commenting. It is nice to know people still think of Sarah and how she touched their lives. It just goes to show what a truly wonderful, kind and special person she was. I wonder if we know eachother? Drop me a line at glibgibberish@gmail.com sometime. I wonder if you know whatever happened to John K? He moved to Idaho and fell off the face of the earth. Thanks again for commenting.
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