Monday, May 23, 2005

This is...

...LA baseball.

Went to the Dodgers-Angels game again yesterday. It was a running club event so about 100 of us met at 10:00 am at a park outside the stadium for a pre-game run and Beer-BQ. The run itself was fun - lots of hills and offroad trails in the stifling valley heat, followed by ice cold keg beer, hot dogs, and the occassional song. Of course, we had both Dodger and Angel fans among us so we had to have a chugging contest between the two biggest fans from each team - N (Angels) and S (Dodgers). After two pints we determined the Dodgers would win because S could chug fastest. The chugging outcome was the same as the game so perhaps all you gamblers out there should try this new form of bookmaking...

The running and beer drinking proved to be just what we needed before marching up the 3,187 steps to the nosebleed section where our seats were. It apparantly didn't take all the spunk out of me as I somehow ended up in a near-brawl with M - who kept knocking my hat down onto my face in such a way that it hit pushed my sunglasses on the bridge of my nose and hurt. This is another strange sixth grade mating ritual of men that carries into adulthood. Cute. I warned him to stop and attempted to punch him in the stomach. We called a truce then he did it one last time. The sucker shot got my alcohol-dampened wanna-be boxing reflexes going and I punched the poor guy in the side of the head. It wasn't too hard as he was one seat away and my reach isn't that great but others claim they heard the blow and he did complain of ear pain today. Sorry M but you should know not to mess with a girl who is nursing a big mouth Miller and trying to enjoy the game. It would have been more fun if the Dodger cam caught us and you all could have seen it.

One of my plans at the game was to get a new, traditional style blue cotton cap, nothing fancy or pink as its the latest trend in straight women's sports gear. Alas the beer and exercise combined with the confusion of the Angels recently having changed themselves from Anaheim Angels to the Los Angeles Angels, combined with some drunk runner telling me the "This is LA Baseball" hat would certainly be a collector's item one day, led me to purchase the alleged collector's item. Visions of making back $8 on the hat on ebay one day flashed through my mind as I gleefully forked over a wad of cash and donned the cap, pointing to it as I passed Angels fans. Don't get me wrong, I like the hat because it's blue and cotton but kind of have buyer's remorse at spending $25 on a hat that no one will really get the meaning of next year. Perhaps it should say "This is what you get when you're drunk and shopping at a ball game".


Anonymous said...

That would be a drunken GIANTS fan runner that talked a gullible Dodger fan into buying that ugly hat.

Anonymous said...

Someone told me you lookede really cute in that cap!

Anonymous said...

The REAL Anonymous knows how to spell.

Anonymous said...

Oh WL it's good to be back reading the details of your life.

Once again, making me feel better about mine.