Thursday, September 22, 2005

In the meantime...

While you're all waiting for the sordid details of my glacier experience, go check out my old roomate's new blog, From Cowpies to Sandflies. Not only can this ex-Navy corpsman actually write, he does it well and may very well be my new favorite blogger. It doesn't hurt that he was the best roommate ever and I introduced him to red wine - which really makes everyone seem better, doesn't it? Not sure why he's back to Coors Light, though. I guess you can take the man out of Michigan, but you can't take the pissy beer out of the Michigan man...


MB said...

"may very well be my new favorite blogger"

That hurt........

You cut me deep on that one Shrek.

Glib Gal said...

You have to admit that he is good...Besides, I'm not listed as "the funniest author you'll ever read" on your blog and it hurts...