Monday, March 20, 2006

Another one for the books...

St. Patrick's Day 2006:

4:00 pm - Arrive at seedy drinking establishment, dressed in 'Everyone Loves an Irish Girl' t-shirt' and green sweatshirt. Have a beer (not green) with friends who have already been there for hours.

4:45 pm - I probably shouldn't, you know the cops are out in full force tonight. Okay, one more - I'll just stay longer.

5:00-7:30 pm - More beer and pizza is delivered. Strategically place "Wee bit o' Irish" sticker on S' pants.

8:16 pm - Woo Hoo!!! Who wants to kiss an Irish girl?!?!?!!!

9:02 pm - Switch to drinking water. Refuse multiple offers from the boys to stay at their houses. Note that several drive home drunk. Call one on his cell phone to tell him he shouldn't be driving. As a matter of fact, he really shouldn't be driving drunk while talking on the phone.

10:12 pm - Head to truck, decide I'm not quite okay to drive but don't want to stay in the bar, look for warm clothing behind the seat. Hunker down.

12:19 pm - Wake up in fetal position on the seat in the cab of truck wearing Santa Hat and gardening gloves, burrowed under corduroy shirt jacket and old sweater. Damn it's cold.

1:06 am - Arrive home.

Note to self: Keep warmer and more fashionable items in truck next year. Better yet, stay home as originally planned.


Buzz said...

The Santa hat is a nice touch.

Not to be a stick in the mud, but "sleeping it off" is a bad tactic depending on how much you've had to drink. Since you're only burning off a set amount of booze no matter what kind of activity you're doing, when you awake you might still be over the legal limit. So, if you dozed off at a .14 and slept for two hours, you'd still be hovering around a .10 or .09. And you're petite, so your level would probably be higher than that.

However, knowing your skills in negotiation and undoubted local celebrity, you could probably talk yourself out of any serious charges.

Did you get my email with my address and what-not?


Anonymous said...

I wish you took a pic of you in the santa hat & gardener gloves...that would have been framed if I got that one.

Maybe I'll have to watch u while ur here...good thing I don't drink much, I'll have to be the responsible one while you're out here. Oh I can see it now...
