Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Betty Ford Rehab Run XX

Got back into California late Thursday night, went home to exchange bags and grab some lingerie, then headed off to Palm Springs for the 20th Annual Betty Ford Rehab Weekend celebration sponsored by the Orange County Hash House Harriers.

Friday night was spent running around downtown Palm Springs in 47 degree weather with light rain while wearing nothing but a black bra, super-short miniskirt, garter belt, stockings, see-through black robe, and, of course, running shoes. No, I don't have any pictures, nor do I have much recollection of the events of the evening other than having seen way too many men packed into too-small garments. At least the cold weather helped them fit better...

Saturday was the opening ceremony of the event, and about 250 hung over hashers waited anxiously for the arrival of our special guests and the opening entertainment:Yes, we managed to once again take over an unsuspecting hotel and turn it into a hotbed of debauchery and cross-dressing.

Sure enough, we were soon graced with the presence of none other than a cocktail guzzling Betty Ford herself:Yes, she has put on a few pounds of late but the booze will do that to a girl. She was serenaded by Palm Springs' own Sonny and Cher:No, I don't know where they found that much bright orange yarn either, but I sure am impressed with whoever actually knit that thing.

After Sonny and Cher's serenade, something went terribly, terribly wrong during the Village People's performance:
Now let's do a double-take of that graceful dancer in green lycra:What did you expect? More scenes from Puerto Rico?


BH said...

A male cameltoe. So glad I missed it! I can't remember what I was doing during opening ceremonies...something fun I'm sure.

Spotty said...

ewww...wow, great pics. Looks like fun. I'm gonna have to put this on my list of hashes to make next year.