Sunday, December 19, 2004

'Tis the Season

For holiday parties and this weekend was no exception.

After the drama of Friday I cancelled plans with JP and opted to hermitize myself for the night. I ordered some Thai take-out, lit a fire in the old Ben Franklin stove, hunkered down with some hot cocoa, and watched the always-great claymation version of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. You know, the one with the elf that wants to be a dentist and the big, bad abominable snowman. Great stuff - drama, humor, fright, life lessons, reindeer love, and clay. Add my dog and cat sitting on my lap on the sofa and it doesn't get much better than that.

Saturday was the Santa Barbara Hash House Harriers' Christmas run and party. Gifts were required for the gift exchange after the run so I met MM downtown before the run to peruse the adult store for something appropriately inappropriate. I was also to get something for JP who wouldn't dare sink to the lows of retail shopping. There were so many choices but I ended up with the timeless video 'Toilet Tramps' and some jumbo-sized, purple anal beads - Two gifts sure to delight anyone this Christmas. And delight they did at the gift exchange - people were actually fighting over them. There's nothing so entertaining as people chanting "toilet tramps" as two intoxicated women wrestle for jumbo anal beads in the background. Me? I ended up with an MC Hammer CD and a fuzzy hot pink and black leopard print jewelry box. Oh, and as a parting gift I was given a porn video that told the story of a prostitute who turned her life around by becoming a pro boxer. JP confiscated it so I'll never know if she found her way out of the streets.

The highlight of the run itself was the older gentleman out for a walk with his wife who saw me, dressed in tight red pants, a red tank top and santa hat, and began singing a song about a woman in red, then exclaimed that his Christmas wish had come early. I gave him an extra jiggle and trotted off. After all, it's all about spreading the cheer, isn't it?

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