Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Jesus, Cotyledons and Sheeple

Forget Webster's Word of the Day, which is 'volant' for the curious, my new favorite word is 'sheeple', as seen in one of the war protest photos at No Ordinary Place, today's Next Blog.

I went to Humboldt State so I am all about the liberal left and their antics and this blog is certainly one of the more amusing I've come across. It's caption reads "reflections and anti-racist analysis on trying to live right..." A lefty "trying to live right"? Funny. Anti-racist analysis? Huh? Look at the author's profile and you will see that he lives in a "racial justice collective...living in community with daily focus on anti-racism and support for all devoted to the struggle for justice and true equality..."

I looked through the blog and didn't see any explanation of what a racial justice collective is, or of what anti-racist analysis consists of. The blog doesn't seem to contain any such analysis, but maybe that's me being racist? Or am I so anti-racist I don't know the difference? I'm confused. The blog does have some great liberal stuff, enough to turn most borderline folks into right wing O'Reilly lovers. And where else but in the blogosphere could you find references to Jesus, cotyledons and sheeple on the same page? Good stuff. Especially thought-provoking for me was the following anti-racist analysis:

Where are the real crimes being committed and how do these compare with the crimes that we most fear? Consider which is most likely to happen, which is the biggest threat, who is prosecuted for these crimes:

Rape or Air Pollution

Murder or Water Pollution

Theft or Toxic Food

Kidnapping or Investment Scams

Terrorism or Corporate Malfeasance

I don't know about you, but I would rather breath polluted air than be raped, drink some bad water than be murdered, and have Enron take people's money away rather than have some lunatic hijack a plane and fly it into a building full of innocents. But that's just my simple and selfish perspective. Then again, I also believe America is entirely too fear-based for it's own good - and both the left and the right encourage this fear, just in different ways. The left wants you to fear big money, greed and corporations, the right wants you to fear foreigners, becoming poor and poor people. The hook for both is fear. They know they can play on fear because we are generally Sheeple who choose a side and follow blindly. People who do so only contribute to the problem.

In my limited experience with criminals - both white collar and blue, it seems that almost all crime comes down to a lack of integrity and personal accountability. The scale on which crimes are committed may be linked to socioeconomic factors, but in the end, if you're going to commit a crime, you're going to do it regardless of whether it's embezzlement or grand theft because that's your character. Especially if you're going to do it in America where there is no real reason not to change your own lot in life. In fact, this country is the perfect place to get out of your pigeonhole, it just takes a little more work and a lot less fear to do it. Problem is that people aren't willing to work for things anymore and they take the easy way out, which more and more often is criminal.

That said, I really did enjoy the blog's fodder, especially the stuff on 'What Would Jesus Do?'. I love that this guy asks 'Wouldn't a Christian Know What Jesus Would Do?' Too funny and spot on.

In the end, I like the blog and the fact that he has an opinion and was able to provoke some thought out of this normally thoughtless person. In fact, I'm going to e-mail our anti-racist friend the Black People Love Us link to see what his take on it is. Maybe it will evoke a rant from him too?

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